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Look up an Owner by its IotaAddress.

rootVersion represents the version of the root object in some nested chain of dynamic fields. It allows consistent historical queries for the case of wrapped objects, which don't have a version. For example, if querying the dynamic field of a table wrapped in a parent object, passing the parent object's version here will ensure we get the dynamic field's state at the moment that parent's version was created.

Also, if this Owner is an object itself, rootVersion will be used to bound its version from above when querying Owner.asObject. This can be used, for example, to get the contents of a dynamic object field when its parent was at rootVersion.

If rootVersion is omitted, dynamic fields will be from a consistent snapshot of the IOTA state at the latest checkpoint known to the GraphQL RPC. Similarly, Owner.asObject will return the object's version at the latest checkpoint.

address: IotaAddress!
rootVersion: UInt53
): Owner


owner.address ● IotaAddress! non-null scalar

owner.rootVersion ● UInt53 scalar


Owner object

An Owner is an entity that can own an object. Each Owner is identified by a IotaAddress which represents either an Address (corresponding to a public key of an account) or an Object, but never both (it is not known up-front whether a given Owner is an Address or an Object).