IOTA Console CLI
The IOTA CLI console
command provides command-level access to interact with the IOTA network by wrapping the IOTA Client CLI command in a shell-like functionality. This command spins up a new process and provides the user an environment for running all the available IOTA Client CLI commands. In addition, it also offers command history support.
Check IOTA CLI installation
Before you can use the IOTA CLI, you must install it. To check if the CLI exists on your system, open a terminal or console and type the following command:
iota --version
If the terminal or console responds with a version number, you already have the IOTA CLI installed.
If the command is not found, follow the instructions in Install IOTA to get the IOTA CLI on your system.
For all available commands, consult the IOTA Client CLI docs. To start the IOTA Console, type iota console
, which displays some information similar to the following:
🚀 ~ % iota console
____ __ ______ __
/ _/___ / /_____ _ / ____/___ ____ _________ / /__
/ // __ \/ __/ __ `/ / / / __ \/ __ \/ ___/ __ \/ / _ \
_/ // /_/ / /_/ /_/ / / /___/ /_/ / / / (__ ) /_/ / / __/
/___/\____/\__/\__,_/ \____/\____/_/ /_/____/\____/_/\___/
--- IOTA Console 0.1.3 ---
Managed addresses: 2
Active address: 0x3...235
Keystore Type: File
Keystore Path: Some("/Users/user/.iota/iota_config/iota.keystore")
Active environment: testnet
Connecting to IOTA full node. API version 1.13.0
Available RPC methods: ["iota_devInspectTransactionBlock", "iota_dryRunTransactionBlock", "iota_executeTransactionBlock",
"iota_getChainIdentifier", "iota_getCheckpoint", "iota_getCheckpoints", "iota_getEvents", "iota_getLatestCheckpointSequenceNumber",
"iota_getLoadedChildObjects", "iota_getMoveFunctionArgTypes", "iota_getNormalizedMoveFunction", "iota_getNormalizedMoveModule",
"iota_getNormalizedMoveModulesByPackage", "iota_getNormalizedMoveStruct", "iota_getObject", "iota_getProtocolConfig",
"iota_getTotalTransactionBlocks", "iota_getTransactionBlock", "iota_multiGetObjects", "iota_multiGetTransactionBlocks",
"iota_tryGetPastObject", "iota_tryMultiGetPastObjects", "iotax_getAllBalances", "iotax_getAllCoins", "iotax_getBalance",
"iotax_getCoinMetadata", "iotax_getCoins", "iotax_getCommitteeInfo", "iotax_getDynamicFieldObject", "iotax_getDynamicFields",
"iotax_getLatestIotaSystemState", "iotax_getOwnedObjects", "iotax_getReferenceGasPrice", "iotax_getStakes", "iotax_getStakesByIds",
"iotax_getTotalSupply", "iotax_getValidatorsApy", "iotax_queryEvents", "iotax_queryTransactionBlocks", "iotax_subscribeEvent",
"iotax_subscribeTransaction", "unsafe_batchTransaction", "unsafe_mergeCoins",
"unsafe_moveCall", "unsafe_pay", "unsafe_payAllIOTA", "unsafe_payIOTA", "unsafe_publish", "unsafe_requestAddStake",
"unsafe_requestWithdrawStake", "unsafe_splitCoin", "unsafe_splitCoinEqual", "unsafe_transferIOTA", "unsafe_transferObject"]
Welcome to the IOTA interactive console.